An awesome idea was suggested by great Friends of mine last night. They are currently getting ready to be married and along their search for related information about arranging the event. Advertisements for commissioning an Artist to do live portraits of the party and guests is sometimes offered on certain sites.
I'm a huge fan of this concept! What an amazing, original way to capture the moments and those special People within in it. So! This year I will be offering my Artistic services for anyone holding any special event and would be interested in such an oppourtunity to have Live Portraiture take place in the Spirit of Celebration. Because this is a new venture for me and I am greatly appreciative of anyone who is willing to commission my Artistic skill. I'm willing to work out an amazing deal for getting started up and there is lots more oppourtunity to be discussed for those who want to get in touch about it. The drawing below is a small example of my live portrait work, produced with pen and ink.
Awesome evening full of Beautiful Art and People, all coming together in the spirit of great cause! I had a blast working with a style and application of painting that I don't usually dive into. Rocking the parchment piping bags was my secret tool of choice and I think it had a great result. I look forward to experimenting with this technique much more.
I didn't make it past the 1st round of cuts. The number of Artist went from 15, down to 5! All good though, gave me the oppourtunity to mix n mingle and enjoy a few beverages to go along with the brilliant Art display going on. Kim was busy running around the event with our camera, trying to capture the fast moving changes. I think she did an amazing job. Feel free to share them around if you like, or leave a comment below. It was an absolute honour to be part of this great fundraiser at the London Children's Museum and work along side of so many incredible Artists. If the oppourtunity came again next year, I look forward to switching it up and quickly slapping on the paint once more. HUGE Thanks to the organizers of the 2nd Annual Brush Off, The Children's Museum & my sponsor, Susanne Thrasher from Masonville Dental Centre. That was awesome :) Although I did not see much air time for my mural...... my lil "Karate" sign on the Dojo got plenty of view! The theater was ram packed and lots of people didn't get a seat. Kim and I managed to find two, right in the very front row. My neck is a bit sore today, but it will snap back and well worth the cool experience.
We had a way better space for the red carpet. Standing right beside the FM96 interview spot, so I managed to get a few great snaps. From the sounds of things, London is a huge potential market for future productions being filmed here. So there may be more red carpet galas to attend :) Now, as far as the movie "Tapped Out" goes. I must say first... fighting genres are not usually my particular cup of tea. However, I feel they did a great job with telling the story. Basically an updated version of "Karate Kid". Speaking of..... Martin Kove, one of the original Actors was there at the premier too. Wearing some kick ass shoes, I must add. It was awesome to see so many familiar locations being used on film. So honoured to have been a part of this film and hope to do more work like this in the future. Time to go Hollywood!!!! Maybe get some of our cakes rocking for "celebrity" events :) Winning a low bid on the trip anywhere WestJet flys would be amazing!!!!! I know the warmth is coming...... soon, but I would still really Love to speed that up by being somewhere in the Caribbean. I'll be smiling about this show for years to come. Kim and I, along with our good friend Ash, had the oppourtunity to go see one of my favourite Bands play live in Toronto last week. If you have never heard of Shapeshifter. They are an amazing live dnb group from New Zealand and this was their first Canadian tour. Stopping only in Toronto and Whistler B.C, I feel pretty fortunate to have seen their show. Especially at such a small venue compared to what they normally play in.
Absolutely awesome to be right up front and able to get some great photos without having to push my way threw a massive crowd. The club it was at is called "The Garrison" and the vibes were perfect! The opening Artists were absolutely wicked too. First up was Silvermayne, he played a great progressive set dropping quite a few of my fav drum n bass tracks. Memorecks was up next, rocking some live beats on a sampler. Another wicked set for sure! I'm always a huge fan of anyone rocking live elements. Met so many cool people that evening, but having the chance to meet some of the band members and thank them personally for all the amazing Music they create was by far a major highlight for me. Hopefully they come back and play in Canada again soon, I will most def be there!!!! :) If you would like to check out some of their amazing music, here is their website. My first live tv appearance!! One of the dedicated organizers, Linda Leja asked if any of the participating Artists wanted to join her on Rogers Daytime to promote the upcoming "2nd Annual Brush Off". Taking place at the London Children's Museum. Despite my nerves acting up, it was a great experience and I think it turned out alright. Tickets are available now . Hope to see you there!!!
Just a week away from The Brush Off fundraiser!!!!! Linda Leja and I had the oppourtunity to appear on Daytime tv today and speak a little about some many great things to do with this fantastic display Artisans doing their thing under EXTREME pressure for a great cause. With only a half hour to complete a finished painting.......... it gets crazy!!!!! So! Hopefully I don't look too funny on the tube, felt like I rambled a bit.... but a so it go! The episode will be played at 5pm and 11pm on rogers. Brush Off is on the 24th!!!!! Hopefully get to see lots of familiar faces and vote lots for me!!!!!! Although, if I do not make it past the 2nd round, totally cool with that too because then I get the chance to munch on the amazing food going around and check out all the Art going on.
The final performance for Evil Dead The Musical took place last night and a bunch of us had the oppourtunity to experience the infamous splatter zone. What a messy riot!!! Thankfully, we were smart enough to wear white painting suits because all of us ended up getting soaked.
Kim and I also made a cake for all Cast and Crew involved who made it such an stellar show!! I feel very fortunate to be part of such an amazing Production Team and most def looking forward to the next project. I recently attended a meeting for the Children's Museum "Brush Off" fundraiser to hear how it's going down and what exciting changes are being implemented this year.
Really looking forward to being a part of this great event again. Along with everyone who made it out for awesome entertainment and support, I had an absolute blast the first time around. If you're into live Art? I strongly encourage everyone who can make it out. The food is amazing, the vibe is right. It's so fun to bring back the many old childhood memories of being at the Museum way back when, before the age of digital distraction. Best of all, you would not believe the level of Talent involved and how much of an oppourtunity it is to acquire beautiful original works, at such a super low price. All while supporting a great cause for Youth possibilities. During the gathering, we had a promo group shot done of the Artists who were able to attend and I brought along my camera to get a pic, as well. Starting from the left is, Narcise Datura, Sue Goosens, Jamie Q, Adrian Torrington, Nic De Groot, Myself, Nick White, Samantha Vincent, Deborah Worsfold, Jeff Willmore. Kim captured the series below of photos from the 2013 Brush Off fundraiser. Hope to see all who can make it out soon!!! Tickets are available by following this link Time is running out for having the oppourtunity to check out this amazing production!! I can't wait to see it, Kim and I will be going for the final performance on the 12th. One of the challenges with working backstage has been trying not to see much of the show, before getting the chance to experience it full force!!!! Here is a few more photos of some of the action behind the curtains.
December 2015