Yesterday, I started painting on a few set pieces for the latest upcoming Iglesia Production, Little Shop of Horrors. My mission is to recreate a bit of skid row and although it does not look like much yet. These walls will look nice n dirty when they're done ;)
Walked past a house in my neighbourhood this evening with some organic veggies out front and available for anyone interested. Just a few small bags of cherry tomatoes and a couple cucumbers, but can you imagine if even only 35% of people that could, maintained a small organic garden for Community contribution!?!? Sort of makes it difficult to justify any reasons for people to go without food. Anyway, just a small food for thought I had and its not the 1st time I've seen this around. Def inspired to do so myself next year. It's a trend I'm certainly willing to support :)
Starting on some depth with this super adorable portrait at the moment and I wanted to share what really attracts me to a drawing. It's the flow and strokes of which ever medium is used. There are plenty tools and ways to smooth it down to the finest of gradients, but I Love to see the movement :) Another fav is the way light bounces off a heavy application of graphite, when you look at it a bit angled. Makes the image almost appear in negative.
What type of elements about Art do you find especially appealing? Lots on the go right now. Have a bunch of concept mural designs to have ready and I'm about to start painting on a few set pieces for the latest amazing upcoming Iglesia Productions, Little Shop of Horrors!!!! Can't wait to see this one all come together :) I will post some pics soon, maybe even some photos from the rehearsals I have been meaning to make it out for.
Personal projects, I always have too many for mention. These pics are of a couple paintings I've been more focused on lately. Really playing around with the flow and freestyle geometric designs recently. Not exactly sure where or how far it will go, but the mystery is what keeps me intrigued! Look forward to painting this inspiration on much bigger canvas. The other pic is a progress shot of the painting I started live at car free fest this past summer. Been a lot of detail to chew for this one and tbh... I'll be happy when its finally done. Musically, I'm really excited about whats bubbling. There's a few of my latest tunes being remixed by some very talented Friends of mine and I'm ever drawing closer towards bringing the music into public performance. Been a VERY long time coming and now I just lack a few small pieces for housing my gear, like stands..... a smaller faster laptop would REALLY help too. So I'll def keep updated about that. In the meantime, going to start messing around with recording some online video jams. With the first one possibly going down this evening. Back to back online performance with my buddy in Van City, Inf0tr8r. I'll post set times a bit later once I know for sure. Here is one of my live recordings for your listening pleasure :) Enjoy and thanks for staying tuned. Much Love Shane What a Sunday night! There was a MASSIVE block party that took place for homecoming and I had the oppourtunity to attend. Had such a great time. It was pretty surreal to look around at all the set up and realize you're actually in a parking lot. Parties have certainly come a long way from when I first remember..... and saying that makes me feel old, hahaha.
I always get a laugh when I bring my camera out with me. Because its not a smart phone, People come up and ask to get their pictures taken, like I am an event photographer. Its fun though and always a great way to connect with others at the party and just like I told a few, I did intend of posting some snaps. So here they are! Enjoy :) Wow! My head is still spinning with excitement from all the amazing goins on this past weekend. Wasn't able to be everywhere I would have liked to, but..... you can only do so much.
Toronto was a blast on Friday, got to catch up with great Friends and dance our asses off to one of our fav Techno Artist's, Dave The Drummer. Massive Thanks goes out to Brian B and the entire 2 The Beat crew for putting on such a perfect lil intimate gathering. Saturday was a cluster of activity and catching up. This is when I unfortunately missed the unveiling of an amazing memorial mural project here in London, organized by the Artfusion collective. The Stephen Watson tribute is such a beautiful Artistic addition to the downtown scenery. Everyone involved with the mural did an amazing job! Massive Congrats to Ryan Mahy and Katie Wilhelm. They contribute sooooo much to our Local Art scene, on a level far beyond what this often grey city has even been privy to. Then Sunday was Oddball fest!!!!!!!!! Although I was not able to present the portrait I drew of him some years ago. Having the oppourtunity to watch Dave Chappelle Live was incredible. Haven't laughed that hard for such an extensive period of time since... well, I cant even remember when I have laughed that hard. So many awesome Comedians! Kristen Schaal, Jeff Ross, Dimitri Martin, Hannibal Buress, Flight of the Conchords...... amazeballs!!!!!!! My only complaints for the event would be how ridiculous the security was about bringing in a camera, but they didnt even bother to check for things to be truly concerned about..... like weapons of sorts. They were even unreasonable about cell phones! (which I kinda understand because its super rude to stand around, yack'n on a phone while people are trying to enjoy the show) The camera thing though, really gets my nerve. However, I can see a lil bit of reasoning there because a lot of people do not know how to take pictures w/o a flash, but anyway! I did manage to sneak in my small digi cam and get a few snaps (extreme difficulty)...... can't hold me back. HA! All in all, we do hope this tour happens again next year, only with some Canadian venues added. Not a fan of U.S customs in the slightest, but I won't get into my just cause disgruntlement's ;) So, now......It's studio time!!!! Lots of inspiration for writing new Music and I have a few paintings on the go that I'm really excited about and almost fini. Def building up a nice collection for exhibit soon!!! Thanks for staying tuned Everyone. Much Love. |
December 2015