Kim and I often have difficulties finding clothes we like for various reasons. One of them being..... neither of us are fans of "brand" names, especially those with HUGE logos plastered somewhere predominant (we're not walking advertisements). Another reason is, most of the time..... it's difficult to find locally made and we try to stay conscious of this with our consumption, as much as possible. Finally..... the price!!!!!! I cannot justify paying so much for something, especially if we can do pretty much the same for ourselves @ home and less than half the cost of retail.
So!!!! Kimmy needed a nice sun hat..... she makes it, I paint it! Never any annoying trips to a mall needed :)
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What a great way to spend another beautiful Saturday. Lots of laughs and huge smiles from watching all the little pupps cruising around... most of them traveling by a towed trailer. Of course there was the occasional "wanna-be" wiener joining the fun too.... but, I also learned that wiener dogs have issues with size/height and don't typically appreciate their bigger fur cousins.
Kim and I didn't get much of an oppourtunity for going around to get lots of photos. However, I feel very fortunate to have been that busy and a huge thanks goes out to everyone for the support! Response was great for doing live portraits and I'm really digging the minimal set up approach. Our new chalk board display will come in handy for many, as I'm def inspired to rock more events like this :) I absolutely Love setting up in the middle of a usually busy street with a blank canvas to paint. Only slight downfall is being relatively stationary and not able to fully check out all the festivals happenings. Fortunately! Kim was wandering around with the camera and captured some of the cool things I would have missed otherwise.
Such a blast today!! Certainly from the wind all the same. So nice talking with everyone and all the positive feedback was greatly appreciated :) There is a ton of awesome photos that Kim took and I will post them soon! Time to get rolling towards getting back downtown for Nuit Blanche!!! Hope to see you there and everyone is enjoying their weekend. Big Ups!
Last minute working my ass off trying to get everything ready for tomorrow! Not sure why I tend to leave things last minute, but I like the stress I suppose and it helps to motivate. The plan is to rock live caricatures in a composition that will reflect the joy and diversity that such an event brings and when the cars are taken away for the day. Summer is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Below is a few quick sketches I've recently done. Each took about 10-15mins to draw. First chance in a while to actually sit down in front of the computer and write a wee blog. I absolutely LOVE summer weekends! Always super crazy busy, but I couldn't imagine it any other way. Gardens are coming along nicely, especially the strawberries! Kim and I stay away from off-season berries and wait patiently for organic strawberries that are not sprayed with all kinds of nasty chemicals. The taste difference is always worth the wait. Plus..... who the heck wants to consciously consume pesticides? Our kiwi vines are flowering!! Up until this point, I had no idea they even did!!!! Learn something new all the time eh? So happy with how well everything is doing so far. Especially our herbs garden, which brings me to something cool we discovered and I would like to share. You know the theory about cleaning out your garden beds in the fall?.... DON'T DO IT!!!! Let your plants all go to seed, that way....... they come back up again in the spring and THAT'S when you want to clean away old plant and leaf debris to make room for the new chutes sprouting. All of our dill, cilantro, basil and mint came back beautifully :) Best of all, I'm really excited about the great local gardening community connections being made. The trade and barter system is alive and well my Friends. So true when you realize, growing food is like printing your own money, even better! So far, I've had the oppourtunity to trade some of our gorgeous basil, in exchange for a beautiful little gooseberry bush and a currant shrub. They will be our first addition to the evolution of our pointless front yard grass, eventually turning into a big beautiful food garden. Awesome nightlife this weekend!! Started out on Thursday with going to see Atmosphere at Music Hall.....sick!!! Then on Saturday was the 5th yr. Grickle Grass Festival being held at the always fun venue, London Childrens Museum. Kim and I were really honoured to have been asked to bake some tasty cupcakes for the performing Artists and of course we jumped at the chance!! Our first time ever making vegan cupcakes and they turned out so damn tasty.
So yah! Now the weekend is officially winding down to a close, my mission reverts back to trying to stay on top of the massive pile of projects that don't complete themselves. Tons more good tings to come!!!!!!!! Hope everyone has a great week. May you soak up lots of warm sunshine and smell plenty of beautiful flowers. Much P.L.U.R to all :) |
December 2015